sunrise over Gulf Coast

I think for those extraordinary “yet to be brides” the Sunday morning after yet another emotionally charged wedding for yet another friend, sister, cousin, woman in their lives can be rough. She is the faithful friend, the one everyone else can depend on and calls on, but she, as a single woman, still waits to be the bride.

long pier in Gulf Coast

In her article “Always a Bridesmaid” in Minnesota Bride, Adrienne Laursen, LMFT  writes: “Being the last single girl in your group of friends can bring about feelings of loneliness, jealousy and even depression.  It’s hard to watch your girlfriends all getting married, planning the wedding of their dreams, having honeymoons and babies, and moving forward in their lives.  Meanwhile, you’re feeling stuck and lonely, and often wondering “What’s wrong with me?  Why can’t I have that?”  The answer is YOU CAN!  It just isn’t your time right now.”

pink chair

Kathleen Hardaway, writing for CBN, talks about singleness from a Christian perspective in “Does God RealIy Want You Single?”  “Live each day with a dream in your heart and a purpose in your life to believe God when life doesn’t make sense, when life doesn’t seem to be going as you had hoped, but when you know that your Heavenly Father knows what’s best.  

Single woman in sunglasses looking out to sea

We all need to remember that God values our life no matter where we find ourselves. And for the one in waiting, I believe it shows that God is still working on your behalf as He prepares your future spouse and you for the day you begin your life together. Believe that He knows what (and who!) is best for your life and that He remains in control of it.

Woman under bridge with hands extended

For me, these are the weddings I most enjoy being involved in – the ones where, difficult as it was, the bride waited for the only one designed for her.  It is a celebration rejoiced over on earth and in Heaven!


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